An electric cooperative is a private, not-for-profit company whose purpose is to safely deliver electricity to its consumers or members at the most affordable price possible. 

Member-owned and operated
Because electric cooperatives are member-owned and operated, the democratic process allows members a vote in annual cooperative board elections in which elected directors are nominated from among the members. Cooperatives also encourage members to voice their thoughts and ideas within the cooperative. Members maintain equal status and work together for the good of the community and adhere to the seven guiding principles.

The advantages of electric cooperatives

  • Upon joining an electrical cooperative, you are considered a member and/or an owner rather than a customer.
  • Electric cooperatives are service focused. We are dedicated to providing electricity to rural areas while commercial utility companies are hesitant because they can make more profit on urban areas and businesses.
  • Cooperatives follow democratic processes and allow each of our members to vote in board member elections,  participate in policy making, and influence the cooperative in sharing their ideas and concerns.
  • Cooperatives are community focused and work to improve the sustainability and well-being of local and surrounding communities.
  • Electric cooperatives return revenues or margins to cooperative members in the form of patronage capital credits.
How the Electric Co-op Works